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Hello, Beautiful Sister!

Welcome to our page! We are so excited that you are here and hope that you can find community and sisterly fellowship!


Our women's ministry, Women of Truth, is focused on giving God glory in every way that we can. As we step deeper into the true love of Christ, it is our desire to be devoted servants to the Kingdom and serve our brothers and sisters as the Jesus teaches us to. 


This ministry was created with the intention of blessing you from the moment you connect with us. It is the desire of our hearts to grow together in wisdom and knowledge through God's word and guidance. We desire to be a group of women who love God as He deserves to be loved to love others as He loves them. 


We look forward to encouraging you in faith and equipping you with God's word and promises. Together, we desire to build a community of women that consistently remind each other that God has a beautiful plan and purpose for each of our lives. 

Explore more below to see what we believe and how you can get connected! 

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"His Will, His Word, His Way"

Upcoming Events

Check here for updates on upcoming fellowship events and opportunities to get connected! 

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Women's Weekly Study

Tuesdays @ 7:00pm

Plant Mirror Reflection

More Events Coming Soon


Plant Mirror Reflection

More Events Coming Soon


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Join us for a weekly study through 1st Peter

We will be meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm at Children's Lighthouse

(6155 Sienna Ranch Parkway).


Just bring yourself, your Bible, and a heart that is ready to dive deep into the truth of the Living Word! 

See you there!

Take A Look At Our Past Events! 

We are all about sisterly fellowship and memories here at Calvary SWH! Take a look at some of our previous Women's events and retreats! 

"Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God."

1 Peter 1:22-23

Meet Cristina Bergstrom 

Cristina is the wife of Brett Bergstrom, the Senior Pastor at Calvary Southwest Houston. They have been married for 24 wonderful years and during that time have been incredibly blessed. She is the loving mother of three grown children and grandmother to three grandchildren.


Because of her love for diving deeper into the Word, along with her compassionate desire to make all women feel included and embraced within the church, Cristina felt compelled to lead the women's ministry - Women of Truth here at CSWH.


Cristina has a heart to come alongside the women of CSWH, to love them well, and to show who Jesus is. Her dream and goal is to nurture a strong, inclusive, and inviting group of women that want to be deeply rooted in the truth of God's Word as Christ-followers are called to be. 


In her long life journey, God has been abundantly faithful in teaching her about His grace and mercy, which, with His help, she strives to pour out on others in her daily life. 

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6155 Sienna Ranch Road

Missouri City, TX 77459

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