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  • Cristina Bergstrom

A Genuine Heart of a Godly Woman

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

Hello my sisters in Christ!

I am so grateful that God has allowed me to serve Him by walking alongside women rooted so deeply in faith. It is my delight to serve under the authority of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ in such a wonderful way.

One of the deep callings of my heart as I follow Jesus is to encourage you ladies in your faith journey by sharing truths that God desires for us, as His precious daughters, deep in our hearts and minds. It is no secret that we differ in our personal journeys and trials, but nonetheless, we are together in mind and spirit - united with one another through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Even when Jesus deals with us in different ways in our own individual lives, He still personally speaks to us in the same language, the same doctrine, and the same heart desire. The message and purpose does not change, but instead it brings us all together as different parts of one body.

As the word says in Philippians 2:2, "Then, make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind."

We are called to be Christ-like and, therefore, when we are in Christ, we are all equal and bear the power of the Holy Spirit within us. This power is the perfect love and truth of our mighty God who is the Creator of all things.

It is God's desire, as well as it is my own as I follow Christ, to walk alongside you women of faith with love and encouragement as you continuously journey into a deeper relationship with God. As the word tells us in Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed through the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to be tested and approve what God's will is. His good, pleasing, and perfect will."

Dear sisters, what a great opportunity we have to stay connected with each other through encouragement. Encouragement that consistently reminds us of our faith as we run the good race, looking towards the finish line and desiring to run it in such a way that pleases God.

We will all face situations and circumstances that the enemy will try to use to confuse and distract us from being consistent in moving forward. As each of us face these inevitable challenges, it is my delight and calling to encourage you in the power of God's Word, because His promises of peace and deliverance are true every morning.

I will be writing you these letters of encouragement once a week and, as I do, I will be praying for each and every one of you and your families. It is my pleasures to share with you the encouraging lessons and truths that the Lord is placing on my heart. I pray that we all will receive them and find within them the peace, joy, and comfort that we all need throughout the week.

In Christ's love,



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